
Suzanne’s Online PJ Party

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A-PJ-6Greetings Suzanne!

i didn't think i would get to join your awesome PJ party simply because my family didn't have any pj traditions that i could share. i read and looked at other people's stories and envied their families for being so creative. however, i got caught just the other week wearing my own version of PJs...and so here i am ( i get a lot of jokes for being one to not sleep in but get up and read on weekends; my sister wanted to have some proof for when i get old & say i 'never did that'. lol). almost late but still very excited to join your party! Here's my pj picture and story to follow.

i'm training for my first half marathon. to motivate myself, i've been going to sleep dressed in my running clothes (yes! workout clothes can be just as comfy if not more than my pjs!). =) come morning, i have no excuse not to get up and hit the trail. On weekends, i lounge around and read while i enjoy my cup of tea before working out. so I do hope i am not cheating you out of seeing some plaid pj bottoms or fuzzy slippers...but this is a fabulous backup. =) thanks for being such a motivational and inpirational bookie. i like reading alongside fellow bookworms. - a.oleynik -

Hi Suzanne,

I have happy pajama memories of my childhood. Every Christmas Eve my mom gave my brothers, sisters, and me new pajamas to wear. We opened them after midnight mass and wore them to bed and most of Christmas morning. I remeber fuzzy, cosy pink flannelette pjs with little animals all over them. They were pure comfort on a snowy winter's evening in our old house with no central heating.

I continued this tradition with my children and they loved it too. Love your picture with your warm fuzzy pjs Suzanne. Thanks for sharing. Mary


Dear Suzanne,

Our family buys new pajama's every year for Christmas Eve. We love to stay home Christmas day in our jammies playing with all the new gifts and just being together. The girls love soft fleece pajama pants and the guys like the thinner cotton. Sometimes we even get matching sets.

A cute story about my youngest daughter: When she was about 4 she had a nightgown that was lavender and silky. She loved it so much she wore it for years until she couldn't get it over her head. It started out ankle length and ended up knee length when she coldn't wear it anymore. Anyway, we were visiting my sister who had two boys and the youngest asked where Jennifer was going in her beautiful gown. She is now 19 but I can still picture her twirling around the house in her purple nightgown. Beth

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