
Suzanne’s Online PJ Party

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Dear Suzanne;

A-PJ-5Thanks to all for sharing their wonderful pajama party photos and stories. Annual pajamas are something my kids, now adults, always look forward to on Christmas morning. And they always get a new book to read!

I have always been a person that believes that life is short so we should eat dessert first. I was the only Mom who allowed my kids to eat the Frosty from Wendy’s before they had to eat the rest of their meal. After all, how good is a melted Frosty?

This photo was a day off from school, so it seemed like a good day for a pajama party. This “ice cream for breakfast” and “pajama party” idea came back to bite me one day later, though. One day we were having one of our pajama parties because it was a special day off of school. I had to go to work that day. So after eating “breakfast” the girls went over to a neighbor’s house to play for the day. The oldest went out roller blading in her pajamas and she fell and broke her arm (unrelated to the ice cream or wearing the pajamas by the way.) The neighbor took her to the emergency room (in her pajamas) and she had to have surgery. When the surgeon asked her what she had eaten for breakfast, she replied, “an ice cream cone”. I am surprised that I didn’t get a visit from Child Protective Services. But things were different then. It was still OK to eat sugar and fat.

Anyway, we always say, “Be sure and eat dessert first, because you never know how the day might go!” Sincerely, Sue


Hi, Suzanne! :)

What a wonderful idea you had for this online pajama party! I've started every morning this week smiling reading at the entries.

I don't have many special pajama memories to share -- except that I remember loving my pajamas with feet in the winter when I was little. They were so warm and cozy and fun to slide across the kitchen floor in! :) It seemed such a shame that we couldn't have them any more once we got to be grown-ups. Oh, but wait a minute! Now we *don't *have to give up pajamas with feet when we become adults! I remember several years ago running across a small family business -- Warmth Wear -- that offered custom-made pajamas with feet for adults to order over the Internet. Sadly, they've gone out of business, but I've noticed that several more companies have jumped on the "pajamas with feet are NOT just for little kids" bandwagon. You can find them in fleece or flannel, two piece, or one-piece, with or without button-down or zippered backsides. Even my big tall husband loves the pair I ordered for him years ago -- and thanks me for it every winter.

So, that's my short and sweet praise of pajamas with feet for grown-ups. Oh, and I have one more short and sweet Pajama tidbit. For Black Friday , our neighborhood independent toy store -- Be Beep -- offers a special Pajama Sale. No, it's not a sale for pajamas, it's a sale *in* Pajamas! All the store staff show up for work early in the morning in their pajamas, and customers are encouraged to come out early that morning and shop in their pajamas, too. It's a fun, relaxed pajama party atmosphere in the store -- so different from the usual madness that kicks off the day after Thanksgiving at most of the other stores.

It's been wonderful seeing this celebration of pajamas of all shapes,sizes and colors (and also of those whose favorite pajamas aren't pajamas! :) Thanks for sharing with all of us readers. Kerry


There was a time BD (before dogs), when I wore long nightgowns in delicate floral prints with lots of pintucks. At the present, my favorite pajamas are red flannel with dogs romping across them. I look forward to coming home from work, changing into these PJs and having real live dogs climb in my lap. Most mornings I can be found in my backyard with my bare feet quickly thrust into boots, laces flapping, and a coat pulled over my pajamas, as I accompany a small dog or two out into the snow. These trips outside make pajamas a much better choice, at least until summer. Best, Peggy


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