Suz-cookie-sheetCOOKIE WINNERS
Be sure to enter this month's Chocolate Chip Cookie Giveaway. Send an email, tell me how long you’ve been reading at the book club and you’re automatically entered in this month’s cookie giveaway. The deadline is July 31st.

Send your email to:

Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher


Librarian Mel Ackles won cookies and shared them with her coworkers at the El Dorado Hills Library. They’re in the midst of a very busy summer reading children's program. Mel said, "With all this work we are pooped! Cookies would be just the thing to give us a pick-me up!" And from the smiling faces in the photo, it looks like the cookies did the trick!


Diane Jorgensen shared her chocolate chip cookies with the women she volunteers with at the Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. Every summer the women build a house together. "Nothing motivates a group of women more than chocolate,” Diane said.


Luann Toennies and her husband were going to celebrate their 29th anniversary and Luann thought cookies would be the perfect anniversary present. I thought so, too.
"The cookies arrived at the perfect time,” Luann said. “We were just getting ready to leave on a little weekend trip the day before our anniversary, when the UPS truck pulled up in front of our house. So we took your cookies with us."

Click to view more cookie winners
