Suz-cookie-sheetCOOKIE WINNERS
Be sure to enter this month's Chocolate Chip Cookie Giveaway. Send an email, tell me how long you’ve been reading at the book club and you’re automatically entered in this month’s cookie giveaway. The deadline is July 31st.

Send your email to:

Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher


(Far left) Yvette Fontenot, Faye Prendergast, and Miriam Boots (standing), Debbie Hodge and Dee Sharp (seated)

Bookworms (bookclub) meets at the library once a month. Yvette, (seated far left) says, "The only rule for joining our group is that you have to like books and like talking about books. The only rule for the books we choose is…well, there are no rules! We have read fiction, non-fiction, romance, mystery, you name it. Sometimes we read a book that I don’t really like, but by the time I have heard all of the discussion about it, I decide it had redeeming qualities after all!"

RAAM-2007-bannerIf you don't win cookies, you can still bake your own. Book club reader Cheryl Downing used my mother's oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe and baked cookies for her husband's cycling team.

"My husband's team participated in the "Race Across America". It took them nine hours and twenty minutes to ride from Oceanside, California to Atlantic City, NJ and they raised $16,000 for community service outreach. But most importantly, they were so glad to have your Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies go with them. In fact the racers and crew were actually fighting over who would get the last cookies! Quite comical. So thanks for sharing your recipes with all of never know where that recipe will go—even across America!"

Click here for Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

And then there was a straggler EMERGENCY email that came in after last month's contest ended. I just sent out Kimberly's emergency cookies yesterday.

emergency-cookiesDear Suzanne,

I am writing to request, no beg for chocolate chip cookies.

You see, I am 42 years old, hormonal, pregnant and well almost grandma age. (At least that's what my doctor told me.)  I thought I had a very bad flu bug with waves of nausea and exhaustion. I feel like a teenager who can't possibly understand how this could have happened.  We were done and my baby is ready for kindergarten.  So, as I warm up to the idea of late nights, and wonderful baby hugs and smells, could you send me cookies?

Thank you for your consideration.