Lap “Top” Cat


Defiantly, Rudy is lying on top of a cat hair brush that a reader sent me to get rid of "Rudy" hair.


 After a couple hours of bugging me, Rudy just gets plain tuckered out.

Thanks for reading with Rudy and me. It's so good to read with friends.

Suzanne Beecher and Rudy


Sometimes I have to put my keyboard in my lap, because Rudy thinks he should have more room. Why do I put up with this behavior? I don't know. But if I ever figure it out, then I'll probably understand why, when I get up in the middle of the night, I will crawl over my husband Bob, to avoid disturbing "King" Rudy who is sleeping in the bed. Never mind, my husband loses sleep.


Being a Rudy-cat (my pet name for him) is hard work.