suz-hat2 suz-hat3

The hat is one of my mother’s latest garage sale finds. I’m sure it’s someone’s idea of a practical joke, but I’m kind of getting to like it.  

Thanks for reading with me. It’s so good to read with friends.

Suzanne Beecher

Readers’ Practical Joke Ideas:

Dawn, Laurie, Cheryl, Ann, Ed, and a few hundred other readers suggested the pitcher of cold water prank.. . ."Suzanne, I like to take a freezing cold cup of water and dump it on my husband while he is taking a nice, warm shower. You have to be really quiet and fill the cup up in the other room. And you have to hope that he doesn't retaliate because it's really annoying."

"Suzanne, I have a good friend that loves playing jokes on people. He 'planted' sunflowers in another friend's shoes and also has sprinkled Kool Aid powder into shoes, then when the feet start sweating they turn whatever color the Kool Aid is. You probably want to be careful with that one, cause I don't think the shoes will ever be worn again."-- Sabrina

"Suzanne, when one of my brothers wanted to really wake another brother up, they got marbles that were kept in a jar in the freezer and they'd pour those over the intended victim's bare back. Yowie. Needless to say, the perpetrator would need to make a fast retreat."-- Pam

My personal favorite that gets a big response – wait until you are going to be away from home one night and your husband will still be there, then short-sheet the bed for him. (If it’s still short-sheeted when you get home, then you know he didn’t sleep in it!) --Laura

*If you' never learned how to "short-sheet" the bed, Laurie also provided instructions: Take the fitted sheet off the bed. Remove the flat sheet and cover the mattress and tuck in the top half to look like the fitted sheet. The bottom half you fold up to look like the flat sheet. When the person gets into bed they can't stretch their legs.

"Suzanne, once we told my sister's friend that her cup would be detected by the fridge and be dispensed pink lemonade. She put the cup under the water spout and sure enough the cup turned pink as the liquid filled the glass. Only after she tasted it did we fess up that it was a color change cup and the cold water turned the cup pink."--Michelle

"Hi Suzanne, I needed some papers from my husband's car while he was at the gym. I drove to the parking spot and easily found his car, took the papers thanks to the second key, and then had the idea of parking his car a few places away, but discarded it, for fear he would just think the car had been stolen and immediately call the police. I thought that it would be wiser to park my car in place of his and so I did. (I knew he had a second key to my car.) It was around 10 p.m. when I got a phone call, my husband (and the policeman were) asking whether I had taken his car, 'Yes darling! It was a little joke. . (that kind of ended up on me.) Regards from Bavaria, Anne-Françoise
"Suzanne, once I found out that the remote for the TV in one room worked on the TV in the family room, too. So I hid it next to me in the chair while we were watching TV. When my husband started that 'testosterone surfing', I switched it back to the original channel. He changed it again, I changed it back. He shook the remote, he checked the batteries, he tried again and again. I finally let him know what was happening when he began to take the remote apart."--your 'Big Sister' in reading
"Here's a good one if you play golf. When he's not looking, throw a few
bricks into your partner's golf bag. He'll wonder why his bag is so
heavy and have no idea why." --Linda Martin

"Suzanne, every year on April 1st my son does the same thing, and every year I forget and fall for it. We have a sprayer nozzle on the kitchen sink. He takes a rubber band and wraps it around the nozzle tightly so the handle is pressed down. Then when I go in to make coffee- bleary eyed and half asleep, I turn on the water and get my morning shower."--Susan / Wolfner Library

"Suzanne, sew your husband's pant legs shut (just a basting stitch). And salt in the sugar bowl is always fun!"--Sharon G.

"Suzanne: When my husband and I were dating, I found a concrete robin in his garage. (It had broken off of a birdbath.) I scrubbed the bird down and John would routinely find it "hiding" in his house. One time it was wearing a hat and sitting on the closet shelf, and once it was under the blender cover. It was even found "asleep" in the bed with its concrete head on the pillow. John grimaced each time and grumpily put the robin back in the garage. I, of course, would get it right back out. But John got me back - we were on vacation in Michigan and one morning when I opened the shower curtain, there stood the concrete robin!"-- Lynn P.

"Steal his pillow when he gets up to go to the bathroom (a favorite of mine).--Lisa R.

"Suzanne, jello in the shower sprinkler head, so when he turns on the water, he turns [briefly] purple, or whatever."-- Cheryl T.

"Alter ice cream. For example, we like cherry vanilla ice cream but, let's face it, the
cherries are the best part and there are never enough. So, I systematically 'spoon through' a half gallon of cherry vanilla ice cream, take all the cherries and replace them with something else. The replacement could be raisins, peanuts, or even cherries with seeds and stems but you get the picture." Best regards and still reading with you after several years, Jean

"When he gets in his car (turn on the wipers, turn up his stereo and have all of his windows down. Mellissa, Huntsville, AL

"Dear Suzanne, why I think you just might have a crush on your husband! ;) It's not a bad thing [to play practical jokes on him]. You are flirting with him and it's sweet. he- he-he." --Erin