Crowley Museum and Nature Trail


"Grandma's on the zip line, I'll push!"Bailey gave me a send off. This photo is deceptive, makes me look like I could simply reach down and touch the ground. The zip line was constructed for kids, but I did worry I was going to smash into the tree on the other end.


We're admiring two sewing chests in the old general store.


The next time I visit the Crowley Museum and Nature Center I'm bringing some apples and carrots along. The resident horse was a sweetie.


The Golden Orb Spiders get big in the Crowley Nature Center, but they didn't mind sharing their webs with my grandson, Seth.


It was a beautiful day and a perfect ending to our vacation with our grandchildren.

Walking along the boardwalk, to the Selby Tower, we met up with a Lubber Grasshopper. Huge and beautiful, but for a second it scared the beejevers out of Seth.


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