
Dear Suzanne:

Thank you so much for the delicious cookies you sent! My husband, daughter, and I have greatly enjoyed them. Your cookies were just the thing we all needed to get over a dreadful cold we’ve all been sharing for the past month. I told my husband we needed to take a picture to send you, and the next thing I knew, he said he had taken the perfect picture. It’s not of me, but as you can tell, our almost 3 year old daughter, Maeve, was simply thrilled with your handiwork!

Thanks again, Beth


Thanks for the cookie recognition. The cookies were shared by one and all and I must tell you I love the email book club personally, and our library finds the subscription very useful for its usage by many patrons.
Sincerely, Camille

The last one is the group photo that shows some of my favorite people (library staff): David Huddle, Kathy Champieux, myself, Jamie Morris, Phyllis Elam, Julieane Morian, and Larry Neal, Director of the Clinton Macomb Library.

cookies0209-Susan3Dear Suzanne:

Thank you so much for the cookies! They were awesome. I shared them with some of my "bag lady" friends and have attached a few pictures. I've decided that the next time I make bags, I'll slip one of your book club flyers into each one before I give them away and keep the "plastic bag totebag promotion" going. Thanks for making reading so much fun! —Susan


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