Enter the Monthly Cookie Giveaway

Dear Reader,

Each month I bake two dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies for one of my readers. To enter this month’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Giveaway, tell me who you’d like to share the cookies with and you’re entered in the drawing. Send your email to enter-to-win@emailbookclub.com

Thanks for reading with me. It’s so good to read with friends.

Suzanne Beecher



Hi Suzanne,

Thanks so much for the cookies. I'm sorry it took me a bit of time to get the picture of my bowling team back to you, but you know how guys are. Quick to eat, but slow to respond. Anyway, Your cookies helped the team on Wednesday night, but not in the way I expected. Yes, we did bowl pretty good, in fact we won the first game by 180 pins, but the next two games we didn't fair as well, although we squeaked out a victory in the third game. Guess we shouldn't have eaten the cookies so fast. lol. But we did win 2 out of 3 games.
The other luck it brought us was a bit different, however. Every week the bowling alley establishment picks a lane at random for a free plate of food samplers from the snack bar. Yep, that's right. Our lane number was called and we all got to snack on fried cheese sticks, stuffed shrimp rolls and other (unhealthy) goodies. As you can see in the picture, we really didn't need the extra food. BTW, in case you are wondering, let me identify the team in the picture. Seated is Missy (our token female, who also has the highest average or 194), and Mike, my son, who got me back into bowling with his team after almost 20 years. Standing in the back row, starting from the left is Skooter (yep, that's his name), Dan (with the very "colorful" shirt) and me in the LSU shirt (what else would you expect in Baton Rouge).
Thanks again for the cookies, which definitely helped increase our bowling scores, as well as our waist lines. (I had to take this picture quick before all the cookies were gone.)
And let me finish up by saying how much I thoroughly enjoy reading with you. I like all kinds of books, but especially non-fiction, and can't wait to get the latest selection. I especially enjoyed "The Hearless Stone", concerning the diamond industry. I don't think my wife is too happy that I read that book, though, since I now have another opinion of the artificial value of diamonds. But keep those excellent non-fiction books coming. Since retiring last year (I was a chemical engineer for nearly 40 years), my library card has been working overtime (instead of me).
Thanks again for the cookies and for the book selections each week. I truly enjoy reading with you.

Kind regards,
Ken Buturla