Dear Suzanne,
At my office I’m known as the unofficial 'Martha Stewart' - not the part about her life that involves jail time but the creative part. I’m the one who bakes and decorates cakes for everyone’s birthday and puts up the streamers and balloons outside the office of the birthday girl/boy. I’m the one who bakes the homemade bread to go along with the homemade chicken soup whenever someone is sick. I’m the one who bakes cookies for those long conversion weekends

Brenda Wallace
(for this weekend as a matter of fact when the conversion process starts at 10:30 PM Friday night and the crew works through the night until all the data has been converted to our computer system). It’s become somewhat of a tradition for Brenda to bring her ‘conversion cookies’.
Though I really do love to bake and equally love to give my creations away, sometimes it’s a ‘heavy mantle’ to wear. Just once it would be so wonderful for someone else to bake the cookies, ice the cake, or bake the bread. Perhaps you will choose me as a grateful recipient of your chocolate chip cookies this month. — From one baker to another, Brenda Wallace |
The family that "dunks" together, stays together. Husband Tom, 13-year-old daughter Kathryn and book club reader Karen.
Hi Suzanne, your cookies are scrumptious!!! I had the first cookie myself and didn't share with anyone:-) They arrived yesterday and my neighbor took them inside until I came home. I was afraid they would melt, or a neighbor's dog would find them. I was out yesterday taking care of my 77 year old Dad, who lives alone and who had a doctor's appointment, and my 90 year old mother-in-law, who needed fresh clothes and a friendly visitor at the nursing home where she lives. I will save each of them a cookie for my next visit this weekend. All my neighbors are very intrigued by this whole concept of reading and cookie baking and how it all works. I just tell them they need to join the book club and they'll see what crazy things they are missing. —Karen Moore
Nancy says the chocolate chip cookies have inspired her and she's ready to bake again. She even bought a new cookbook.
Suzanne, I admit it — I am dying to try those cookies! Everybody always looks so happy eating them in the pictures they send you. The recipe sounds delicious and easy enough, and I would try it if I could just bring myself to baking again. I use to bake all the time, but since my father passed away 5 years ago from cancer, I can't seem to bring up the desire to bake again. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy baking very much, it relaxes me and I know that others would enjoy me baking again, but I seem to be stuck. You see, my dad always enjoyed everything I baked, especially my banana bread so it's been very hard for me to bake again. When ever I read you cookie stories, I smile and think about him and your cookies. It really would be great to get over this baking thing, I think your cookies will help me. —Nancy Rodriguez

I always send a letter to the cookie winners and this time I even tried to telephone people, but unfortunately, I reached everyone's voice mail. Maybe I'll have better luck this month. Be sure to enter and I might be calling you.