Suzanne’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Giveaway

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My Lake Oswego Library Volunteer friends Alice Laughton (left) and Hazel Wanker (right). These ladies mend books every Monday morning and have been on this schedule for many years. Hazel turned 90 a short time ago. Alice gave a thumbs up on Suzanne's cookie recipe which I sent her recently. Both ladies were enjoying the cookies this morning. That’s Kathy and me enjoying your cookies. We have had a cookie feast the last several days. — Bob


Dear Suzanne-

I was thrilled to win the cookies, especially since it was late when I entered. I enjoy the column daily, identify with your comments frequently, and I always get a lift.

Thank you for the cookies, we all enjoyed them, but I could only get 2 of my coworkers to take a picture with me. I am the one on the left, (with 2 cookies)


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Enter your name and mailing address. The winners will be announced in my column.

Thanks, Suzanne Beecher


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